Friday, November 24, 2017

You'll Want To Steal This Olympian's Morning Routine

Do you spring out of bed, ready to start your day, or hit snooze over and over again? That Morning Person is HuffPost's attempt to make sense of mornings by peering into the routines of others. 

Isabella Carapella/HuffPost

Olympic swimmer Dara Torres not only spent years training in the pool, she also trained herself to be an early riser.

"I've always been forced to be a little bit more of a morning person because of the fact that I always had early-morning workouts," she told HuffPost.

Torres says her mornings are often the busiest time of her day. She gets in a workout, makes a healthy breakfast and helps her daughter get ready for school. She also makes time to care for her skin: Torres lives with psoriasis, a condition that mostly affects the skin and joints. 

Psoriasis, which affects more than 7 million people in the United States, is classified as a chronic inflammatory disease of the immune system. It can cause itchy, red and painful dry patches on the surface of the skin and also increases a person's risk of other illnesses like depression.

Jamie Fine/Reuters
Olympic swimmer Dana Torres' mornings include a workout, a healthy breakfast and helping her daughter get ready for school.

Torres was diagnosed with the disease in the 1990s, when she was training for the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, and has since become an ambassador for the "Show More Of You" psoriasis campaign as a way to bring more public awareness to the condition.

"I think when you're going through psoriatic disease, whether it's all over your body or just in patches, you're self-conscious about that," she said. "I like to share my story to show people that you can still live well, even if you have this condition."

Living well for Torres includes making the most of her mornings. Below, she shares her wake-up routine and how she takes care of her health:

What time do you wake up in the morning?

I would love to wake up at 8 a.m., but that never happens. I'm kind of forced to wake up around 6:30 because I have three dogs I have to let out and I have to get my daughter ready for school.

Do you use an alarm or do you wake up on your own?

I prefer to set my alarm just to be safe, but I never sleep until my alarm. For some reason I have this thing where ― even if it's a minute before ― I wake up before my alarm and I turn it off.

I have to set my alarm to make sure that I get up, though. I feel like I'll be up all night if I don't set it.

What's the very first thing you do when you get out of bed?

Go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. 

Do you prefer to exercise in the morning or at night?

I'm the type that, as much as I love to exercise, I like to get it over with, too. I also feel like I'm more awake after I exercise, especially when I was training. I loved the feeling of it being 5:30 in the morning and swimming 3 miles. Then you get out and you're ready to start your day. 

What's your go-to breakfast?

I love yogurt. I also will have a banana or some fruit or some oatmeal with raisins. I also like eggs for protein. I usually mix it up ― there's not one certain go-to. It depends on how hungry I am when I wake up.

Coffee or tea? What's your stimulant of choice?

Tea as long as it has caffeine in it. I have my first cup when I wake up.

Fill in the blank: My ideal morning consists of _________.

A healthy breakfast and exercise. Those are the two biggest things for me.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sorry Blake Shelton, but here are the 12 actual sexiest men alive

Blake Shelton became People's Sexiest Man Alive on Tuesday and we all collectively let out a big sigh. 

Image: giphy

Seriously People? There are a ton of reliable (unproblematic) men who should grace the cover and restore faith in what makes celebrities actually sexy. 

Here are a few options that any able-minded person would have picked over Blake Shelton.

1. Idris Elba

Image: Via giphy

Idris Elba is the most obvious person that should have won sexiest man alive. Children watch Thor and think he's Jesus. And now he is giving us this look for People's failures.

2. Mahershala Ali

Image: via giphy

Mahershala Ali and his breakout roles in Moonlight, House of Cards, and Hidden Figures is all that is right with the world. He won an Oscar, but his Sexiest Man Alive title is long overdue. Peace and blessings, indeed.

3. Kit Harington

Image: via giphy

How can you say no when the King of the North is holding a baby wolf?

4. Tom Hardy

Image: via giphy

Between his looks and consistently altered voice in movies, Tom Hardy's work as the sexiest man alive has been adding up for years. 

5. Oscar Isaac

Image: via giphy

Though he's gone on to be the breakout star in Star Wars, Oscar Isaac's camaraderie with his cat in Inside Llewyn Davis should've won him the Sexiest Man Alive title since 2013. Long overdue, People.

6. Mark Ruffalo

Image: giphy

Do we need to explain this? Mark Ruffalo, the Hulk, the social activist, and the go-to guy for all your swooning needs. He's also an amazing dancer (Have you seen 13 Going On 30?).

7. All the Chris's

Image: giphy

Why focus on one country singer when you can have four actors all with the same name grace the cover? Individually they are beautiful, together they are a powerhouse of Chris's ready to take over the world.  

8. Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd 

Image: giphy

A rising star that grace the big screen in The Legend of Tarzan (shirtless for most of it) and won an Emmy for Big Little Liars. His brother is also Pennywise, so be very afraid Shelton. 

9. Luke Bryan 

Image: giphy

Alright People, you wanted a country singer, why not go with Luke Bryan instead? He has the looks, the charms and he's going to be a judge on American Idol

10. Jeff Goldblum – MVP

Image: giphy

It's surprising Jeff Goldblum hasn't graced the cover of every magazine for every title known to man. He's bringing sexy from the past, present and near future. Blake Shelton wishes he was on his level of royalty. 

We can't continue the list until People decides on 2018's medicore Sexiest Man Alive cover, but we have a few honorable mentions that didn't quite fit the cut just yet.

Honorable Mention #1: Michael B. Jordan 

Image: giphy

Don't underestimate Michael B. Jordan's charisma. He starred in the hit Creed and next year will star in Marvel's Black Panther, so be inspired by your next selection.

Honorable Mention #2:  Jon Hamm

Image: via giphy

Jon Hamm isn't as big as he was during his Mad Men days, but he is an American Institution. He excels in drama and comedy. And did we mention he's an American Institution?

We fully expect to see this list take over the next 12 years of Sexiest Men Alive. Don't fail us again, People.

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Friday, November 17, 2017

This sushi bar is not for humans, only their dogs

Take that canned food away and bring more wasabi, hooman.Image: Jenny Anderson/WireImage

If you've already bowed to your dog's every whim, buying them a highly opulent Moncler parka, a water bottle you can share, and a sexy, calming leotard, why stop there? 

Ditch the canned dinner and take Rex to a slick sushi bar just for dogs. (Yes, we're talking about real, quality fish. Jealous?)

Poochi Sushi, a dog-only sushi pop-up is opening in Auckland, New Zealand, according to Concrete Playground. Opening for one day on Dec. 3 in Parnell's Heard Park, the pop-up will feature three sittings of 10-12 dogs per session, with each sitting organised by pup size - imagine watching a Pomeranian attempt to get a look at an Alaskan Malamute party. Not happening.

SEE ALSO: Humans not allowed: This interactive art exhibition is for your cats and dogs

The pop-up is being organised by Auckland not-for-profit group The Big Dog Walk With Lots of Dogs (actual name). Dinner will cost $15 per pooch. On the menu, sushi and sashimi using Marlborough Sounds-sourced king salmon and hoki from the coastal town of Coromandel. La di da. 

Because 2017, dinner will include a pooch-friendly "beer" called Pawl Ale, according to the publisher. This won't exactly be like the time a Buckingham Palace footman got Queen Elizabeth's corgis drunk, but close enough.

But maybe your dog has earned it, you know? Maybe they're a good pooch fired from the CIA for not being a narc? A lifeguard puppy who saves kids from drowning? A hard-working doggo who's also a hotel concierge?

Give 'em a real treat. Can't get to New Zealand? Take Rex to a pat-intensive puppy cafe or an exhibition just for them.

WATCH: Dog owners will love this puppy paw cleaner

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