Saturday, August 29, 2015

How To Install A Self Hosted WordPress Blog With Bluehost – Full Tutorial for Beginners -Click to get to BlueHost with the FREE DOMAIN

How to setup hosting with BlueHost and set up a self hosted version of the WordPress Blog. Its very easy, and we show you how.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

WordPress for Beginners – Create a FREE Blog! ◄

Thinking about creating your own blog? WordPress is the answer! WordPress can help you setup a responsive website, which includes many different templates that can be downloaded free from the WordPress website.

In this video, I show you how to create a FREE WordPress site at There are many features available in the free version of WordPress. Including 3GB of storage!

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Best WordPress Themes for business 2014-2015
People are wondering what is the best WordPress themes for business. Whether if you want a basic theme or a better background Parallax scroll effect theme, people are wanting to show their blogs to the world.

When people build a theme, they are stuck in the building phase is trying to build from scratch. If you been with WordPress, you know how technical it can be. If you are a Real Estate Agent or an owner of a brick and mortar business, building a blog can be a pain….

Not anymore, with the new Kalatu theme, you can access tons of themes to choose from and customize. Skip all the technical BS out. We have taken care of that for you. It is time you start to brand and market online for better leads and sales conversions.
Check out my blog below!

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Now you realize why is wordpress so hard to use. You just haven’t found the right platform to build it on. 
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